My name is Jesse Bellavance and I grew up in a family of artists with my Mom being a potter and my Dad a fine arts professor. I always liked drawing for fun but I never really devoted any significant time to it until later in life.
In 2010 I started a small company, which required me to generate graphics using computer software such as Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop. However, I really wanted to be able to draw my graphics first and then import into the software to manipulate.
In 2016, I began the process of teaching myself how to draw. I followed the advice found in the book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards. I started first with a pencil, but I found it to be too messy for me and switched to Micron Waterproof ink pens. From that point forward I began drawing faces, then moved on to people, cars, basically anything I saw of interest.
Currently, my favorite subjects for drawing are landscapes, buildings, and then just whimsical funny drawings. I will sometimes employ watercolors but for the most part, they are black and white ink drawings. I even did my own self-published children’s book called “The Sneeze”. It is about how one old man’s sneeze causes a chain of events that save the world.
I do accept work on commission if I feel the subject is in my wheelhouse.

BellavanceInk is a family operation with my wife/partner Wendy Binder serving as the other half and our children who help out with the local markets and often times inspiration for many of our designs.
You can reach me at bellavanceink@gmail.com